Looking to add a few more people to my creative team.
2 Layout Artists Wanted:
- commitment until Dec 2011
- 1 or 2 layouts per kit
- Post your layouts at NDISB, MSBA and DST
- Active in my private forum
- wear my blinkie
2 Challenge Participants Wanted
- commitment until Dec 2011
- participate in two challenges each month at NDISB, my Template Challenge and one other challenge of your choice.
- if you use one of my kits for the Template Challenge then also upload to MSBA and DST
- wear my blinkie
In return, you get full access to all my products for one full year even if you want to end your commitment when time is up! That's an extra big thank you for helping me get started and will not be offered again. You might also get a few extra surprises along the way. I know how hard it is to keep up with a design team when real life keeps you so busy!
If you are interested please send an email to
living.scrappily.ever.after at gmail dot com
Tell me your name
Screen name
if you are a member of NDISB
a link to your largest gallery
and anything else you would like to share.
thank you for applying!