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Friday, March 26, 2010

New Release by AnnaBV Spring Cleaning

It's time for Spring Cleaning, wash the windows, do the floor before you know it, you'll be finished with every chore!

Here's a QP for you

click on the preview to go download it.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Survivor Season 2 - my first layout

I finished my first layout quickly because I'm still doing March Madness at Scrap Orchard and those challenges are getting harder! If I make it threw the 3rd round then I'm in the running with 6 other ladies for the guest spot to be a honey bee.

I thought this challenge was easy, maybe because I've done safari themes before.
rules where
* At least one jungle print paper somewhere on your layout
* Tiki torch
* Monkey
* Foliage (tree or plant)
* The word Safari
* Border (Around a photo or around the whole LO)
* A large title

It's a Jungle Out There by Haynay Designs and Simply Sweet Designs
Zoo Day by KAagard
In the Wild by Ziggle Designs
Tiki Torch by ME!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tiki Torch

I'm taking part in Survivor Season 2 at Ginger Scraps. The first challenge was posted today and one of the elements we have to use is a tiki torch. Well I have about 4 jungle/safari kits and none of them have a tiki torch, so I made my own. I figured there might be others doing Survivor who need a tiki torch so I'm sharing mine.

download here

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Freebie for Facebook Fans

I promised last month that I would be sending out something special to my Facebook Fans for Valentine's Day.. well I was a bad girl and didn't finish what I was trying to do. So I made this Alpha to celebrate the wee little bit of Irish my son has in him.
Check your email on Facebook because this is the ONLY way you are getting this Alpha!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Free March Calendar

I am so sorry I have neglected my blog. The ADSR5 and March Madness is keeping me busy!

Last week my bucket list took me 22 hours. I was nervous about it because I thought it was too busy, but it seems it's one of everyone's favorites. I have been featured on many sites in their gallery standout forum as well as on on March 7.

My list
1. tell my son I love him every day
2. lose weight
3. decide if I want another child
4. Enjoy our Disney Vacation Club
5. simplify our "stuff"
6. Whale watch again
7. Hot air balloon ride again
8. See Mt. Rushmore
9. See the Grand Canyon
10. own a home
11. see Bon Jovi in concert
12. take a magical vacation with Cara, Steve & Drew
13. see the Redwoods
14. retire some place warmer
15. drive a DeLorean 88 MPH
16. upgrade my engagement ring to 3 ct
17. go to out of state Ren Fairs
18. take an Alaskan cruise
19. learn how to sew
20. continue to have awesome Halloween costumes
21. make a quilt out of Anthony’s baby clothes
22. Learn how to make grandma’s Easter bread.
23. bake & build a ginger bread house with Anthony
24. go to the San Diego zoo
25. go snorkeling
26. go to Niagara Falls again
27. take a Disney cruise
28. have game day with my friends more
29. play with my son as much as possible
30. remove the clutter from our bedroom
31. keep up with the laundry
32. clean out Ed’s storage unit
33. keep losing weight so I don’t get type 2 diabetes
34. have more sex
35. have a pool when we buy a house
36. ride a bike with my son
37. sleep in a castle
38. finish Christmas shopping by October every year
39. upgrade my camera and laptop when needed
40. invest our money
41. Drive across the country
42. plan for retirement
43. recycle, reuse, donate
44. get going with Scrappily Ever After & Scrap Loads of Fun
45. visit every state in the USA
46. find harmony in my marriage
47. own a "little black dress"
48. Write out birthday cards for my son to open even after I’m long gone.
49. go find out "what if"
50. scrap all of it
At some point I'm going to make a template out of it, but not until I have I have a program that does text paths. all that swirly text was done with warp text in PSE a few words at a time, then rotated to fit around the swirl. It drove me nuts, so there's no way I can send this out as a template now.

I did manage to get my mom's calendar done early this month but failed to pass it on. so without further ado, here is March's fee calendar. ENJOY!

download here

Monday, March 01, 2010

Chit-chat and chocolate QP Freebie

Another Tuesdays another QP with AnnaBV's Creative Team. Today we are featuring a quick page using the kit Chit-chat and chocolate, created by me! When you download this kit you will also receive a coupon good for $2.00 off the purchase of Chit-chat and chocolate at Scrap Orchard which is good for ONLY TWO WEEKS!

Here's the link to Chit-chat and chocolate
and here's the link to download my quick page

Check Anna's blog every Tuesday to get another QP freebie and coupon code for another kit!

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