In case you are wondering no I didn't fall off the planet, I had a baby!
Alexander Lucas was born at 34 weeks gestation via emergency c-section on November 3, 2011.
I created this video of the my pregnancy and the birth of Alexander.
I don't have much time to design or scrap right now because Alex was a preemie and is having some problems. So all my time is on him or my older son Anthony.
I finally finished this month's Template Challenge for Natural Designs in Scrapbooking
I decided to change things up with the template challenge in 2012. Each month there will be a DOUBLE template created. The left side will be free to download for the challenge. When you participate in this challenge and upload your finished layout before the deadline in our gallery and in the challenge forum, you will receive the right side as a thank you for joining me in this challenge.
Since this challenge is starting late you have until Feb 16 to upload the left side of the template. After the deadline all those who have participated will receive a PM from me with the coupon code for the right side.
Here's the link to download the left side.